Project Description
How literature teaches empathy
The more education falls into decline because of a lack of imagination (not to mention funds), the more literature is called on to serve as another form of education.
Read the full article at The Guardian
Notes on Credulity
Writers who don’t believe in God place their faith in literature instead—and they do so in distinctly religious terms. Indeed, if we take into account the readers, we can talk about a religious movement of millions, with heated differences in opinion about dogma (what literature is and what it isn’t).
Read the full article at Words without Borders
Mythos und Alltag in Berlin
Bei den heutigen Großstädten kann man nicht sagen: Zeig mir den Friedhof und das Wirtshaus, und ich sage dir, was für Leute hier leben.
Read the full article at Tagesspiegel
Articles in Tagesspiegel
Read her whole series of articles at Tagesspiegel
Ohne Donau geht’s nicht
Read the whole article at Sueddeutsche Zeitung
Experience: Our Sweet Summer Home in Corinthia
It’s a time capsule of my personal history, where I still unearth old comics and discover dresses that became dust rags, and where my mother still fries meatballs in the kitchen.
Read the full article at Greece Is